I hear that by Monday we are going to be getting winds of up to 80mph! If it stops raining long enough, maybe I should go outside and pick up some of the old plant trays and other rubbish, just in case.
Well, I have had quite a few DUMB BLONDE moments over the past few days as some of my friends can verify,I am feeling worn out by them lol...I just had another, neighbours are away and asked me to pick up post and make sure everything is okay, I was praying this morning it would be, as yesterday I pressed the wrong button turning off the alarm.... so alarm went off and I managed to stop it eventually, but could not reset it!! I went in this morning, picked up papers and post, put them in kitchen and noticed a beautiful bottle on the kitchen window sill.....I picked it up to admire it, there was no writing on it so I turned it upside down to look at the bottom.......MISTAKE......I spilled half it's contents and I have come home smelling like a Tarts handbag,...... had to get changed lol
Anyway, on Thursday I woke up at 5.30am with a card running through my head, how does that happen when you are asleep?? I had to get up at 5.50am and make it for Aunty Sue who is going back into hospital soon for another operation. Lucky for me she laughed and found it amusing. I sent it from her 4 close friends... sorry about photo quality. If you click on the pics they will enlarge....if you do want to read it lol
White leather card stock
Hospital bed courtesy of Google
glow worm from Elizabeth O Dunelma ( I know it's a bookworm but I put yellow diamonds on her glasses to tramsform her!)
coloured with pro-markers
Glow worm poem printed on PC
charm and flowers from stash

Doctor image from Greeting card Factory
Poem and sentiments from Tilly Trotter (lol)
Thank you for your visit, have a good week-end
Hugs Tilly x
tilly,your card made me smile and i am sure it made sue smile too,x
Hi Tilly just wondering if I should clear garden myself or get my bedding done. My card is proudly displayed and everyone she doesnt count herself as a friend because she has 3 friends in the peom but 4 names. Lol. Tilly as i always say you are a angel in human form.
This is so fabulous Tilly and I must thankyou for taking time out of your dizzy days to do it...lol....I can honestly say I have not laughed so much for along time, as I did on the phone with you in the week....you could write a best seller...pmsl....Sue's right, your a real tonic for us all.....xxxxxxxxx
Oh dear Tilly, us blondes get a hard time of it dont we?? Most people just have incidents but we have "dumb blonde" moments, heehee. Hope the "tarts handbag" smell has gone now, lol. Love your card, Im sure Sue will love it too. Lee xx
Tilly this is sooooo fun!!! I am sure SUE will LOVE LOVE THIS!!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
How lovely and thoughtful of you. I'm sure Sue will love it! Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx Jenny xx
Oh Tilly,i'm so sorry hun but i'm laughing me socks off here.You are a tonic you really are.Hope your coming week will be a GOOD ONE.I adore this card,love the words Lol.xx Hugs xx
Hi Tilly,
Lovely card, love the words.
Saw this on Elizabth Dulemba's gallery and had to let you know it really made me laugh, what a great card
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