Sunday 15 September 2013

BRrrrrrrrr..... a chilly morning

I think the best place to be today is in my craft room or doing some sewing, I may split my time between the two!
I hope you have a nice day planned and have some time to yourself.......yesterday, I went all cultural and went to visit a Manor House that I have lived near all my life lol. They had an open day so decided to go, It was built in 1620 and is still in use downstairs, it has now got Trust status and lottery funding so the upstairs is being renovated (which we got to see)
Anyway, on to my card, I came across this sentiment the other day and I am ashamed to say, it had never seen ink! This past week I have seen a few cards with caterpillars (sorry don't know who) so can't say that was totally  my idea, I bought a circle punch this week  and it was still on my desk so I thought the two went nicely together.

Pearl card stock
circles cut with punch
Sentiment is Funny bones from Riley & co,
googly eyes from stash
That's all there is to it folks lol......

I am entering this into the following challenges;

A creative Romance --------- dies or punches

Sister Act ----------- anything goes

Loves rubber stamps ------------ Must have sentiment on front (rubber by Riley &  CO)

Crafty sentiments ------------ anything goes

That's about all for today, crafty hugs for those not feeling well, thank you for your visit
Hugs Tilly x


Whisper said...

Aaah what a sweetie, and the manor house you visited yesterday sounds great, H's school project this term is castles, so we will be visiting one of them soon i guess !!, luv Sam x

Di said...

Hi Tilly, this is flipping brilliant! Super sentiment too :)

I love how you used the circles, and remember if they're snippets you can link into the Playground - I bet the girls would love to see this!

Hugs, and it's flipping cold here too!

Di xx

Aunty Sue said...

oh you didnt mention the yummy chocolate disc fancy going all cultural then calling at mine talk about opposites lol. Love the sentiment. Stay in it is horrid just got soaked

Aunty Sue said...

oops forgot thanks got sharin at crafty sentiments see 2 comments for the price of one a bargin

Di said...

OK, caterpillars are OK - just don't race them near the salad at lunchtime! :)

Hugs, Di xx

Mary said...

Tilly, great card. Love the sentiment and it is so true. Hopefully not the teeth part! LOL! Circle punch, great for circle of life...I say, we come into the world bald, no teeth and you know what in our pants, and we go out the same way! Now wasn't that a pleasing thought! Send some of your cold weather our way, it's hotter than blazes here! At least it's dry, our Colorado friends are suffering terribly. That Mother Nature, when she's upset, she really lets us have it!

Jackie W said...

Very cute card! Love how you've made the circles into such a cute caterpillar! Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Sentiments!
Jackie W

Indah Permata Sari said...

Very cute card! Love the goggly eyes! Thanks for joining Loves Rubberstamps Challenge!

Donna Mosley said...

This is fab Tilly, love the caterpillar design.

Donna x

coops said...

fab fun card tilly.i love the brilliant sentiment and googly eyes :D

xx coops xx

Marcy said...

Adorable card! Love the colorful circles used to make the sweet caterpillar...such a great idea! Thanks so much for joining our challenge over at Love Rubberstamps!:)

Sarn said...

Hi Tilly . . . you won't feel shy for long in the Snippets Playground. Love your caterpillar card and the fun saying.

Catch you on the swings later.

Sarn xxx

Debs Willis said...

this is great, love the sentiment!!

carol said...

Hi Christine...super creation and the sentiment is fab, have a good week. x carol

Karen P said...

What a fab idea and it made me smile too! A great way to use some of those snippets hugs Karen

MaryH said...

Hi Tilly, just found you in the Playground, and hopped over to see your cute little bug up close. What a super use of your circles, and loved the papers you used. Just joined as your newest follower, and hope you'll find time to visit me someday. Isn't the Playground just a fun place...besides using up snippets, you meet the most talented & generous people! I've met such a lot of UK folks, and I'd love to have seen your Manor House. What fun. TFS & Hugs

Anonymous said...

Fun crd-and what a great sentiment!
Best wishes,Nessa xxx

Mau xx said...

What a great card Tilly! a brilliant idea and love the sentiment :0)
Thanks for your good wishes..oh! and actually I did manage to fit in the GNR on sunday..came 25th though so need to do much better.........
............... lol in my dreams eh!
Huge Hugs Mau xx

Sonia said...

Great the idea...thanks for joining Sister Act with such pretty creation...HUGS...SK :)

JoZart Designs said...

Hi Tilly! late getting back today but DD2 had her little boy early so I'm overwhelmed to say the least.
Jo x

scrappymo! said...

Well, you sure made me smile! Great sentiment and wise use of the snippet cicles.

Liz said...

What a great idea and you have chosen lovely colours.

Elizabeth said...

Brilliant and fun card, Tilly, and a great use of snippets. Elizabeth xx

XxJULESxX said...

love it lol!!!!